Wow, has it already been almost month since I last blogged?

Wow, time sure does fly by, doesn’t it? I’ve been pretty busy trying to get the new house set up (still not finished yet!), and taking care of my Mom since she came home from the hospital (Actually, its more like I’m trying to keep up with her…she’s recovering nicely is trying to putter around the house to help unpack boxes).
Hooray! I just turned 41 this past Friday! So far, its been a good weekend of celebrating with good friends. Some friends and I spent the evening tonight at a wonderful Moroccan restaurant and stuffed ourselves silly! 
I must say, it has been an "interesting" month. I’ve learned that "fighting the Tao" is what makes me a stress case most times. I know I should just go with the flow, but our minds are powerful things, arent’ they?……if you get your mind stuck in one pattern or another, its tough to "let go" and see situations as they are……its so easy to make mountains out of mole hills. (although the situation with my Mom’s surgery certainly was not a mole hill!).
Some people may say that "going with the flow" is just being "passive" and is not a good medium for goal achievement. However, I mean that although we may go with the flow, we can redirect the flow in certain ways to meet our needs at the time. I don’t mean meeting our needs by "force". Just as a bit of a river’s water may be redirected to water a field, so can we still flow like water yet still find the means to our goals. If I were to build a dam against a river, it would affect much more than just having a watered field.
Going with the flow is surely going to be a lifetime learning process, that’s for sure!